Urban Land Regularization Program in irregular areas in Santa Izabel do Pará (PA)
Urban development, tax increase, expansion in the implementation of public policies and increase in the quality of life of residents in these areas.
Dialogues with Brazil.
August 28 to September 1 2023, Berlin, Germany
Healthy streets as public space and/or green connectors
Traffic and active mobility issues, commercial expansion, urban redevelopment of populated region.
The area highlighted for the project covers 1,600,000m², where there are 1992 urban land lots with mixed use (residential and commercial) and approximately 6,000 inhabitants. Through Avenida Tocantins, the commercial center of the southern region with poor urban infrastructure, vehicles circulate that need to go to the District of Taquaruçu, southeast of the city. In 2017, that administration initiated urban requalification works on the avenue, which were not accepted by local merchants, leading to the paralization of the works until December 2022 by the TCE. The unfinished work brought road disruption and, at the present time, the Municipality is reviewing the project and included areas around it to be redeveloped. The current phase of the project is community meetings to collect data, information, and desires, as well as technical surveys in conjunction with the Municipal Urban Mobility Plan – in progress. The intention is to requalify the highlighted region, in order to expand the commercial and urban development there, optimizing the road system, defining one-way streets and creating binaries and block looping to meet the Tocantins Avenue, which will receive special requalification in a course of approximately 1. 200.00m, where it will have the north/south direction lane box increased, in one direction and with the creation of three lanes, destining a preferential one for urban buses and removing the vehicles parking to the parallel and transversal streets, besides the installation of speed reducers as lanes, traffic lights and correct and efficient signaling. In the current south/north direction of the road there will be the creation of an urbanized sidewalk, with bike lane, trees, comfort, accessibility, spaces for coexistence and attractiveness for local businesses, conditions for nighttime use of the space with safety, good lighting that provides outdoor events, so that walking along the avenue becomes a pleasant experience, providing attractions for the trade and tourists.
Urban development, tax increase, expansion in the implementation of public policies and increase in the quality of life of residents in these areas.
Improve the accessibility and sustainability of public transportation in Brasília (implementation of adequate infrastructure for people with reduced mobility, promotion of the use of electric or low carbon emission vehicles, and awareness about the benefits of public transportation and its importance for environmental sustainability).
Public space and street physical access to vulnerable groups (children, pregnant women, older adults, peoplewith dissabilities, adults at risk, other)
Social inclusion, improvement of quality of life, growth of income by acessing more jobs and connecting marginalized areas with formal city.
Impacts from climate change (flooding, heat stress, air and water quality, other)
Multidisciplinary Urban Intervention, addressing all project tracks
We battle climate change impacts on urban ecosystems and health across different European climate zones.
Co-funded by the European Union.
We support city makers in implementing sustainable development goals with evidence.