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Melhorar a acessibilidade e a sustentabilidade do transporte público em Brasília (implementação de infraestrutura adequada para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida, promoção do uso de veículos elétricos ou de baixa emissão de carbono e a conscientização sobre os benefícios do transporte público e sua importância para a sustentabilidade ambiental).

Improve the accessibility and sustainability of public transportation in Brasília (implementation of adequate infrastructure for people with reduced mobility, promotion of the use of electric or low carbon emission vehicles, and awareness about the benefits of public transportation and its importance for environmental sustainability).

Public space and street physical access to vulnerable groups (children, pregnant women, older adults, peoplewith dissabilities, adults at risk, other)

Social inclusion, improvement of quality of life, growth of income by acessing more jobs and connecting marginalized areas with formal city.

Impacts from climate change (flooding, heat stress, air and water quality, other)

Multidisciplinary Urban Intervention, addressing all project tracks

Impacts of climate change (flooding, heat stress, air and water quality, others)

Impacts of climate change (flooding, heat stress, air and water quality, others)

Sustainable urban mobility

Public space and physical access to the street for vulnerable groups (children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with disabilities, adults at risk, others)

Public space and physical access to the street for vulnerable groups (children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with disabilities, adults at risk, others)

Public space and physical access to the street for vulnerable groups (children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with disabilities, adults at risk, others)

Urban data and city intelligence for informed management decisions

Impacts of climate change (flooding, heat stress, air and water quality, others)

Urban data and city intelligence for informed management decisions

Public space and physical access to the street for vulnerable groups (children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with disabilities, adults at risk, others)

Traffic and active mobility issues, commercial expansion, urban redevelopment of populated region.